Friday, May 24, 2013


Hail and well met!

This is the first post on the first blog I've ever tried to create. Hopefully this will be a pleasant and memorable experience, and my hopes are high.

My goal for this blog is twofold:
1) I want to have a place where I can organize and plan all of the ideas I have for my D&D games.
2) I need a way to exercise some creativity in a semi-productive way.

My plans for how this is going to down:

  • Those who frequent Reddit have probably seen many amazing pictures out of nature, or of architecture. Whenever I see those, the first thing I think of is "That would make an awesome D&D encounter." So here I will be creating encounters based off of those very images.
  • I am currently in the process of creating a short campaign. I am intent on sharing my ideas here, and hopefully getting constructive feedback on them.
  • Any other ideas I have for D&D will also go up here. Already I have ideas for encounter tables, combat mechanics, and other stuff that I like to incorporate into my games. 
My intent is to make at least one post a day. This may change later down the line. At the moment nothing is really going on for me, so I should be able to keep up with that rate. 

Some information about me:
  • I am a senior in high school, and am basically done with school at this point. I'll be leaving for college in August, and I'm not sure if I will be able to keep this up past that point.
  • I have played D&D pretty much all my life. My parents were very into it back in college, and I've inherited all of their books and materials de facto. 
  • As of right now, I'm actually more of a Pathfinder fan. I've never done a fourth edition game, but from what I have heard I'm not sure that I would like it. I prefer the quicker combat and darker tone of 3.X. Characters in fourth edition seem too strong to me, although I could have some misconception. I first learned with AD&D and 3.5.
  • Major sources I use for D&D information are Dawnforged, r/loremasters, and r/dnd. If you frequent those subreddits, you may have seen some of my comments over the past couple weeks as I have been trying to be more active.
And with all that, it's time to begin!

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