Thursday, May 30, 2013

NPC: Kell Deathsickle

This NPC profile is for a major character in my campaign. He was created explicitly for this purpose, but I felt that he was worth fleshing out more than usual. I'm not sure how much he'll be used after the initial story arc is completed, but I am certainly considering making him a recurring character.

Name: Kell Deathsickle
Race: Drow
Alignment: Lawful Evil

The dark elf standing before you has skin the color of ash. His hair is short and silver, and his body moves with a predatory preciseness. He is tall and muscular, and bears scars crossing over almost every inch of his flesh. The scars stand out as jagged white lines across his dark skin, and he proudly displays them by wearing nothing but a simple harness and loincloth. His eyes are dark and intense, and match his facial features in communicating a sense of danger. He holds himself proudly, fully aware of how intimidating he can appear. At a moment's notice, his harness sprouts thorns and black leaves to cover more of his body, but still leaves most of his skin exposed so as not to limit his mobility. He wields a dark purple sickle in one hand, covered in ugly black thorns and a dark green vine wrapping around his hand and wrist. You can see small drops of dark poison oozing out of the tips of the thorns on both his weapon and his armor. 

  Kell Deathsickle is one of the few Drow on the surface world. He is vicious and violent, but mostly good-natured unless he has reason not to be. Kell never hesitates to enter into a fight, and actively seeks those challenges. He is obsessed with physical strength, but doesn't necessarily hate magic. He himself is a primarily melee combatant. Kell Deathsickle wields his namesake - a fierce sickle covered in hooks and thorns, that secretes poison. He fights wearing similar armor, such that it does not obstruct his movement. If the opponent yields, he is not averse to taking prisoners or accepting their surrender, but he usually fights to the death. When not in combat, Kell spends his time dueling or otherwise having a good time fighting.
  Kell Deathsickle left the Underdark at an early age, mostly out of boredom. He feels no special attachment to his kin, and feels most at home in the central region of Fomor playing at being a warlord. Due to his physically impressive stature and prowess in battle, he became a moderately successful warlord. However, he stands out because, unlike most others, he has remained in power over his small city-state Bicka for several decades. He mostly focuses his time on training the small military that he has, instilling a sense of personal loyalty into them. He keeps the area around him in his control by using his forces mostly to secure the area from the local harm - bandits, troglodytes, and dangerous wildlife are the norm here, and Kell disposes of them quite regularly. 
  Deathsickle is intended to be an early ally of the PCs. They arbitrarily begin in Bicka, and meet with him multiple times. They are never formally inducted into his army, as he feels they are best suited to being free agents. He first ensures that they are competent by having them clear out a cave of troglodytes, and then begins to hire the PCs to take on missions to help him conquer a nearby city-state. This is intended to be the major story of the PCs early levels. Kell is never shown as being sentimental or even caring for the PCs - only that he has an appreciation for their talents. He doesn't try to betray them, but makes it explicitly clear that if they ever become a liability rather than an asset, they will become his enemies. The PCs should be reminded often of just how cruel Deathsickle can be - sacrificing people in a battle to get the upper hand, executing prisoners for mediocre crimes, etc. 
  RP-wise, I portray Kell Deathsickle as being a stereotypical 80s exercise video host. Ridiculously muscular, over-the-top in the manliness department, and constantly making references to his body. Especially while fighting, as he has invented most of his own combat maneuvers. He revels in physical challenge and hand-to-hand combat. He especially loves mocking his opponents, making reference to how superior he is to them. While in reality he tends to be rational and aware of his own weaknesses, Kell recognizes the value of intimidation in battle. However, he is still very proud and overestimates himself on occasion. He is easily goaded into a fight, especially if someone makes the claim that he is a coward or otherwise incapable of fighting them. 

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