Thursday, June 20, 2013

Minor Faction: Dread Riders

Another minor post, and a continuation of the Wraithlord faction. At the end of these, I'm planning on doing a large summary of the faction as a whole, and that will be much longer than these have been the last couple of days. Picture courtesy of De_Vermis_Mysteriis of Reddit once again.

Name: Dread Riders
Race: Undead
Alignment: Lawful Evil

  The riders and their mounts are very visibly undead, rotting with bones sticking out. They are clad in metal armor, and wield swords, spears, and shields. They are cloaked in shadows that cling to their bodies, and make them look like they flow as they ride. 

The Dread Riders are a contingent of Wraithlord Panack's armies. They act not so much as standard cavalry, but rather as commandos. They are stealthier than one would expect horse-riders to be, and have the ability to conjure darkness to cloak their movements. They are also able to traverse over difficult terrain with no trouble. They are used to raid enemy supply lines, or strike at strategic locations during a battle. They are well-known for their fighting ability and intimidating presence.
  Individually, a Dread Rider is very weak. They rely on fighting as a cohesive unit, and most of their abilities are based on working as a group. They fight in groups of about a half-dozen. Each Rider has powers that affect the group as a whole. Mass protection, Mass inflict wounds (that act as heals for Undead), and Darkness are all examples of this. They also use their mobility to gain flanking and other positional advantages. They tend to be melee warriors, and don't use magic for other purposes. 

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