Name: Nora, Slayer of the Sands
Race: Undead
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

This undead is blindingly fast. From what you can make out, she is clad entirely in plate, colored crimson with gold decorations. She has a helm with a frill, framing her terrifying visage. Her cloak closely follows her, whipping about as she slashes. She wields two blades, one in each hand, attacking her foes with inhuman speed. She has the same banner of Wraithlord Panack, a crimson and gold scarab, with blood dripping from the extended blades. The only skin you can see is her face, withered and gray, with two piercing blue eyes. Her face looks frozen in the middle of a battle cry.
Nora is a lieutenant to Wraithlord Panack. She is, much like him, a very capable warrior and thrives on the battlefield. Despite wearing what you might expect to be very heavy armor, she moves rapidly across a fight, and slashes as she moves. She seeks to spread death and destruction everywhere she goes. Nora only has one goal, and that is to kill all who live. She is not a master tactician like Panack, but is strictly a warrior. She obeys the Wraithlord completely, and follows orders without fail. She is not adverse to taking her own initiative, but will mostly await instruction.
In life, Nora was a warrior who attempted to kill Wraithlord Panack. She was not a leader, nor in any position of power, but was an expert fighter. During the battle, she dueled the Wraithlord for several minutes before he was able to kill her. He reanimated her and instilled a thirst for death that she had never known in life. For the centuries since she has joined the undead legions, she has lost whatever was left of her humanity. She is the most loyal and competent follower of Wraithlord Panack, though she is nowhere near his level of power. The other Wraithlords don't necessarily know or care about her origins, and consider her little more than an underling. Panack values her very highly, and she is often tasked with attacking strategic locations, and he trusts her to win any skirmish she's involved in. She is, however, brutal and somewhat dim-witted. She does not always think things through, and she is mostly focused on combat.
In combat, she stresses her mobility over her opponents. She moves unhindered through any terrain, despite her heavy armor. She slashes about with her two swords, drawing as much blood as possible from her enemies. She usually refuses to stand still during a fight, as burned in her memory is her fight as a living person against the Wraithlord. They fought in a mostly stationary duel, and she lost. Now, she moves about as quickly as possible. She is not afraid of any living foe, no matter how strong or capable they are, but is still paranoid. She is a purely melee fighter, and has no innate magical capability. All of her equipment has various enchantments, though not to the extent of Panack's. Her battle standard emits a fear aura, crippling her enemies as she approaches.
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