Name: Wraithlord Nirith
Race: Undead
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

The humanoid has no skin or muscle, and all you can see is a vaguely human skull. It is covered in a dark armor with a swirling crimson cloak. The creature cackles maniacally and stinks of death. It has large, clawed talons and pointed fangs.
Wraithlord Nirith is completely insane. While the other Wraithlords are dedicated to conquering Fomor and exterminating all life, Nirith has essentially no goals. He has wasted away during undeath, and is probably the most powerful spellcaster among them in terms of raw power. He flings his power about in bouts of madness, with no particular aim. He does take a particular sadistic pleasure in inflicting pain and death, but other times he can be benevolent or indifferent. The other Wraithlords, who are usually very manipulative and capable of getting their way, simply let Nirith spread chaos all on his own.
Nirith is a sorcerer. He doesn't need to delve into ancient ruins or study dusty tomes, as his power is innately tied into his own being. He could very easily shatter the world if he ever set his mind to it, but the Wraithlord lacks the attention span or desire to do any such thing. He mostly rages about on his lonesome, teleporting to random locations to live out his eternity. He occasionally uses illusions to play cruel games on mortals before killing them, as part of his own amusement. Nirith loves things such as Baba Yaga's hut (something he invented), Decks of Many Things (also his creation), and any other kind of artifact with random chaos involved.
In life, Nirith was a sorcerer driven mad by his own power. The concept of having inborn power was completely foreign to him and to every wizard he encountered. He heard voices, had terrible nightmares, and could barely control his own magic. Over time, he went completely insane, and was killed by the other Wraithlords when he tried to kill all of them at once. He very nearly succeeded. He was accidentally brought back as an undead, mostly due to his own power warping reality at the time of his death. The other Wraithlords originally tried to manipulate his great power, which surpassed their own, but soon realized that it was a lost cause. Now they mostly let him have his way, with the assumption that his random chaos will further their own goals. This works in their favor for the most part, but sometimes backfires spectacularly.
In combat, Nirith should be almost completely unpredictable. He can teleport at will, and may just leave the fight altogether. He tends to use illusions, as he views them as allowing him to have more fun with his victims. However, he is just as capable of manipulating reality in very real ways to play his games. If he grows bored, he may go on the offensive and kill his enemies, or can leave with his teleportation. If he has any minions, they are very much temporary. Most of them won't be undead or constructs, but rather pure entities made out of the fabric of reality as he disturbs the natural order of the universe. Whether they are under Nirith's direct control is a matter of debate, as he is so insane that it probably wouldn't make them any more predictable.
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