Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NPC: Wraithlord Panack

This image from De_Vermis_Mysteriis has made me create an entire new group of antagonists. I'll make an update later to actually go into more description about this faction, but right now I really want to put this out there because I think that the image is very awesome. Even if you don't like my writing, which I don't blame you for in the slightest, this is some fantastic art. It just begs for an awesome antagonist.

Name: Wraithlord Panack
Race: Undead
Alignment: Lawful Evil

At first you think that all you see is a suit of armor, standing upright. It is only once it starts moving that you realize a creature is still inside it. It stands at more than seven feet tall, with broad shoulderpads. The armor is plated, a crimson red with gold outlines. The armor is spiked and stylized, adorned with gold spheres with sapphires that make them look like eyeballs. Symbols of scarabs and ancient runes go all down the legplates, with crimson cloth flowing out as it moves. The creature has a battle standard coming out from it's back, with blades stretching out and an impressive gold symbol, dripping with blood that seems to come from nowhere. The small face that you can see has grey skin, stretched across bone, and it's hands are nothing more than bones inside of it's heavy bracers. Despite the obvious bulk and weight of the armor, the creature moves almost gracefully, twirling a vicious spear with no apparent burden. 

     Wraithlord Panack is one of four Wraithlords that are trying to conquer Fomor. Panack in particular comes from the western desert, and shows the style of the desert in everything that he does. He is vicious and brutal, and has never been known to leave any survivors wherever he walks. He is the general among the Wraithlords, and leads their vast armies into battle. He believes only in outright strength, and takes every measure to show his superiority. He revels in battle, and seeks it out as much as possible. 
     Panack has been an undead for more than a thousand years. In life, he was one of the great kings of Fomor, cursed into undeath by the other Wraithlords. He was the one general cunning and vicious enough to stand up to them, and nearly defeated the undead hordes. For this, he was brought into their own ranks. He loves being undead, as it has given him an eternity to perfect the art of warfare. He holds no attachments to the mortal world, and seeks only to be the perfect military commander. He was always a formidable warrior in his own right, and eternity has allowed him only to hone his own skill. Unfortunately for Panack, he was also cast into a slumber, only recently to awake and resume amassing the undead hordes. This has become his new mission, and then to end all life in Fomor.
     In combat, Wraithlord Panack immediately jumps into melee and will never leave it for any reason. He is absurdly agile, even in his unnaturally heavy armor. It has been enchanted over centuries to be light as a feather while still being impregnable to most weapons or magic. His spear applies negative energy to his enemies, allowing him to eat their souls and animate their bodies upon killing them. His battle standard also emits a fear aura to intimidate his enemies into submission. He considers anyone who is able to resist that aura to be a challenge, and will focus intently on defeating them. The eyes all over his armor effectively allow for Panack to have a full panorama view around him, preventing him from ever being flanked, and granting him the ability to see invisible creatures. He is stronger than anyone could rationally expect, flinging soldiers about like Sauron in the opening to Lord of the Rings. While he lacks any real magical talent, Wraithlord Panack does have a few spell-like abilities that he uses, mostly just area of effect spells to cause even more destruction. 

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