Name: Putrid Shadow of the Moon
Race: ???
Alignment: Neutral Evil

The creature before you is huddled and emaciated. It's skin is white, and stretched taut over it's bones. It's hands are twisted into vicious claws, with long black nails. It wears tattered hides over it's body, and a large mask made of the skull of a beast covers it's face. Two horns protrude from the mask, curling back behind it's head, and a mane of fur goes down it's back. It walks with an unearthly gait, hobbling between it's legs, faster than seems possible. It's eyes peer out of the mask, as white as it's skin. You can not tell what it is. The creature smells of death and decay, and has an unmistakable aura of ancient magic surrounding it.
Putrid Shadow of the Moon is an insane Druid. He is ancient enough that he has no memory of his earlier life, and lives in his own twisted vision of reality. His own race is unknown to him, not that he cares in the slightest. He lives out in the wilderness, corrupting and polluting nature by his very presence. He is unintelligible in speech, though he can sometimes understand it from others. However, even then his comprehension is limited only to basic concepts. Putrid Shadow of the Moon actually has a very complex grasp of how magic works, and how to bend it to his will. If he weren't so insane and was capable of focusing, he would likely be a very potent power in the world. However, instead he gibbers aimlessly in random caves, causing chaos wherever he goes. He is constantly manipulating nature, creating abominations out of plants and animals alike.
Putrid Shadow does not outright attack anyone that he sees. Mostly he ignores them, or is altogether unaware of their presence. If they disturb his work, he may perceive them as a threat and try to destroy them. However, due to his insanity this may not be in the way you'd always expect. He may go off in some random incantations, but his creations will generally respond to his attitude. Whatever creatures or plants he has brought under his twisted will may lash out at the PCs. His lair should be someplace dark, and probably underground. If no suitable location can be found, Putrid Shadow of the Moon may simply create one with his magic, twisting thorny brush into a shelter. In there, he conducts bizarre experiments. Animal bodies can be found mutilated, flames burn in strange colors making the room look like a rave, and weird plants twist and write all around him. Meanwhile he dances around, screaming maniacally.
In his past, Putrid Shadow of the Moon was not always insane. His name used to be Walks With Sunlight. He is so old that no record exists of his people. He's basically some sort of proto-satyr, but is ancient enough that he can't really be recognized as such. He was a powerful Druid among his people, and served as their protection against their enemies. He was corrupted by a powerful demon, which battled him for several weeks for the fate of the world. Walks With Sunlight did defeat him, but the battle destroyed his homeland. He was driven mad with guilt, and a small piece of the demon lord implanted itself in him. They still battle in his mind to this day, warping his own perception of reality. His new name, Putrid Shadow of the Moon, is what he is known as by the nature spirits. Very few of them actually know of his history, as Putrid Shadow is actually older than they are. But due to his constant battling within his mind, he does project very violent and evil psychic influences, which they have come to identify him as.
In battle, Putrid Shadow randomly throws his magic around. His minions do most of the fighting, but even they just tend to swarm the enemies. Even after the battle is over, his minions oftentimes go ahead and destroy each other, caught up in Putrid Shadow's madness. If for some reason he has a rare moment of clarity, he will probably perceive the PCs as demons come to destroy his home once again, in which case he will go into all-out battle mode. He's still somewhat mad, so most of his magic will be wasted. He is also very weakened from his psychic battle with the demon lord still raging within him. No matter what, he is actually unkillable. He has grown so powerful that even if the PCs destroy him, Putrid Shadow of the Moon will live on, his new body growing out of the corrupted lands that he has created. He is likely to be even more insane afterwards, and will definitely recognize the PCs after that.
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