Friday, June 7, 2013

NPC: Yersi Pestis

Yet another image from De_Vermis_Mysteriis. There's way too much good stuff in there. As much as I like the idea behind this character, she's not going under the Fomor tag, as I don't feel that she could really fit into that world. 

Name: Yersi Pestis
 Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

You see what you think at first is a zombie. She shuffles along slowly, and her body is stiff and motionless. She is clad only in black, and her billowing cloak conceals her body. However, you can see that she still breathes, and has other signs of being alive…but only just barely. Her face is the only skin visible, and it is paler than you thought was possible for a human. Her hair is black and stiff, sticking out almost like straw. She smells of death and decay, and the ground around her feet seems to suffer just by her presence. Nearby plants wilt, and you can see insects crawling around and underneath her robes. 

               Yersi Pestis is a necromancer. She cares nothing for life, and only seeks to spread death and destruction everywhere she goes. Most people would consider her insane, but she is highly intelligent and clever. She has a natural talent for the arcane arts, tempered by rigorous study and practice. She is not a lich, although she is working to become one soon. Her main source of entertainment is coming up with new ways to kill as many people as possible. She is cruel and sadistic, and takes great pleasure in the suffering of others. Her corrupt soul and embrace of the dark arts have rendered her body almost immobile, and she has taken on numerous undead characteristics. This is because she has slowed her body down, prolonging her life for centuries. 
  Yersi's most recent goal is to become an invulnerable lich. She doesn't like the idea of having a phylactery, as it would make her very vulnerable to anyone who could find it. Instead, she is researching ways of either not having a phylactery at all, or having several of them. In her pursuits, Yersi is ravaging the countryside looking for arcane knowledge locked away in ancient tombs, and is using anyone she can get as experimental units for her research. She is very thorough in her experiments, and will deplete someone entirely of all their life force before killing them and turning them into undead. She has raised a vast undead army from all of her victims. However, in addition to the large number of ordinary zombies and skeletons, Yersi Pestis has also created larger and more bizarre undead monstrosities, making her army more versatile and dangerous than anyone would normally expect from a necromancer. She has bound many lesser wizards to her cause, and as they outlive their usefulness they are further enslaved as eternal servants, bound to her even in death. 
  She never had much of a childhood. Her family was very affluent, and as soon as it was obvious that she was capable of becoming a wizard, her parents sent her off to learn the arcane arts. She was always a cruel girl, and grew very attached to necromancy. Her teachers were concerned, and hoped that it was merely a phase, but it quickly grew apparent that she was as demented as they had feared. She was expelled after murdering another student and turning them into her undead slave, and was only spared the death sentence because of her family's influence. After that she only sought to grow her own power, and quickly became feared and outcast from society. She mostly lived in the wilderness after that, kidnapping travelers and torturing them, feeding her own thirst for power. Nowadays, she is an immensely powerful wizard that nobody dares trifle with, and she knows it.
  In combat, Yersi Pestis will rely mostly on her minions. She is a powerful wizard in her own right, and will largely focus on applying negative energy to her opponents, draining them of their life energy. She tries to keep a distance, but she moves very slowly. She has an aura around her that disgusts and repels living creatures, as though she had a perpetual Turn Undead that applied to living beings. Even if they are not "turned," living creatures still suffer a penalty from the nauseating effects. In melee, her robes come alive and whirl out with tendrils to attack her foes. Each tendril is the soul of a powerful wizard, and will apply magical effects to anyone they hit. They whip around independently of each other, though still bound to her will. If she manages to actually grab someone, even if through her glove, she can drain their energy more easily than with her ranged spells. 

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