So after posting this, I also realized that I had decided not to post on weekends. I forgot that today was Saturday. So uh...bonus content!
Name: The Royal Guards of Neris
Race: Mostly Human
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

The royal guards all wear highly stylized cloth. They are covered mostly in a royal blue and darker shades, but also have white sleeves and a purple sash around their waists. Their clothes are form-fitting enough that they can spring into combat at any time, but loose enough so as to look regal and be able to conceal any necessary weapons. Their clothes are embroidered with gold symbols of royalty and allegiance, each one perfectly identical to all the others. All of them have runes woven into the cloth going all around their body, though these vary greatly between them. The only skin you can see is the bare tips of their fingers and the small area around their eyes, which track you no matter where you walk. They stand with a rigid precision, and move as one.
The Royal Guards of Neris are an ancient order of monks that have sworn themselves to the protection of the royal family of Neris. Only the elite warriors of the order are permitted such high honors, and their clothes detail their rank as grandmasters. The gold embroidery is mostly for show, and pledges their allegiance to the ruling family. The rest of the clothes are traditional and functional, meant for the monks to be able to enter combat at a moment's notice. The runes woven into their clothes are actually magical enchantments, that double as telling the personal stories of each of the monks. Included are their technical honors and accomplishments, as well as any tales of bravery or of foes they have defeated in combat to attain such a high position.
The Guards all adhere to their order without fail. They must go through a rigorous training before even being considered for their position, and must demonstrate throughout their entire life that they are willing to dedicate themselves without reserve. As such, they don't care for the actual policies of the royal family, nor do they care about whom they must dispatch in their line of duty. The Guards are a very close-knit group, each one bearing respect for all of their comrades. They train and fight together like a well-oiled machine, each playing to the strengths of the group. For the most part, they are all trained in similar ways in their order, but personal variations are welcome amongst such accomplished fighters.
The personality of the Guards varies greatly. Some are quiet and stoic, serving their duty with dignity. Others are personable and social, although this friendliness can disappear for anyone should they threaten the royalty. They are each intimately familiar with all of the other Guards, even if they hold different shifts. They serve their position willingly and unfailingly, considering it the greatest honor they could ever hope to achieve.
The Royal Guards of Neris have been in place as long as the kingdom of Neris has existed. Although the actual origin is unknown, folklore says that the monks founded Neris on the principle of maintaining order and teaching discipline to others. The royal family has remained unbroken, and sometimes inters younger sons and daughters into the Order, since they won't inherit much from the throne. While not all of the monks become Royal Guards, it has always been their highest aspiration. The Guards have never allowed a single king or queen to be assassinated, although many have tried. Their history has remained mostly bland, as there have never been any major scandals or rifts. The Guards serve their terms until they are defeated in combat by another aspiring monk, who may take their position should the other Guards accept them. The kingdom of Neris has been located on the border of the western desert, and they have a definite desert culture. The monks especially feel that influence, as evidenced in their dress.
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