Friday, July 5, 2013

Encounter: Forest Fire

I took yesterday off to be patriotic. I briefly considered making a post for some sort of epic-level bald eagle spirit, but decided against it. Today's post is something different: a skills challenge! A disclaimer here is that since I never bought fourth edition, the only knowledge I have of how skills challenges are "supposed" to go comes from the Critical Hit podcast. So this post is more of an idea for a skills challenge rather than how to completely run it, since it will vary wildly based on what adventure you choose to tie it in to. Credit for the image to Reddit user vxqz.

Type: Skills Challenge
Theme: Survival, Escape, Rescue
  • Survive
  • Complete other objective tied to the adventure
  • Succeed: Survive unscathed
  • Succeed: Confront whomever set the fire
  • Failure: Be injured
  • Failure: Be captured
  • Failure: Lose any NPCs stuck inside the fire

Leaves and wood burn all around you. The air is hot and dry, and the smoke begins to choke you. Everything is bright and disorienting, and you have a hard time navigating as the world spins in a raging inferno.

This skills challenge involves the players being in the middle of a forest fire. There are a number of environmental hazards at play here. First and foremost, the PCs need to avoid burning to death. Secondly, they need to avoid choking on the smoke. Thirdly, trees and branches are falling as a result of the fire, blocking their way and possibly trapping them. Fourthly, native animals in the forest are panicking and trying to escape. In order to survive, the players need to either find a way to escape, build a suitable fire break, or use magic to shelter themselves.
The skills challenge can involve several different things other than the PCs only having to survive. For instance, how did the fire start? I personally am not one to make the PCs just randomly have to survive a forest fire. This would be part of an actual adventure, where a villain or scripted natural occurrence started the fire to begin with. As such, the PCs will have other goals. Something that would be very easy to include would be to have a number of villagers be in the forest at the time of the fire. The PCs will need to enter the forest, rescue the villagers, and get them back out. Furthermore, the perpetrator of the fire may need to be apprehended, which could lead into a combat within the forest fire. 
Depending on the circumstances, the skills challenge could have multiple different results. If the PCs are incapacitated upon failing the challenge, they could be recovered by locals after the fire has subsided. They would be badly hurt, and probably failed to rescue anyone from within the forest. Additionally, they would have failed to pursue whomever set the fire to begin with. I personally don't like to destroy items that players have, and this result would fit a narrative more smoothly. Alternatively, the villains could use the fire and the PC's failure to capture them. Should the PCs succeed, there could also be a number of different outcomes. They could confront the villain within the forest, and the challenge would segue into a combat. Or, if they just need to escape the forest, that would be the success. 

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