Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Minor NPC: The Mushroom Seeker

Something a little different today, with a bit more of a comic relief NPC. This is meant to be a minor ally of the PCs in the early levels, as he can give some aid and will forgive the PCs if they ever provoke him. I'm trying to make my paragraphs shorter and more digestible, so I'm changing some things up slightly. I've also added in a "Quotes" section. Also, I'm going to be out of town for the rest of the week and won't return until Saturday. If I have time, I will try to make updates, but I can't make any promises. Credit for the image goes to Reddit user krzyma.

Name: The Mushroom Seeker
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: True Neutral

You first think you are seeing wood and moss animate before you. The golem structure then coalesces into a more definite form as it moves through the forest, lumbering about. You can barely see a dwarf's face, red and cheerful as he works, bumbling about the top of the structure.

The Mushroom Seeker is a cheerful hermit that lives out in the forests. He is a dwarf, and the closest thing to what he is would be a blend between an Artificer and a Druid. He is mildly insane, but not particularly aggressive. He has constructed the structure out of wood, moss, and the magical mushrooms that grow in his forest. He himself can always be found wearing his goggles and smoking a pipe, meandering through the forest to collect the mushrooms.
The Mushroom Seeker almost never notices anyone who comes near him. Even if they directly speak to him, he always think that it is one of the many animals that cling to the golem he has constructed. He is always happy to speak with them, and otherwise softly hums to himself. He also sometimes talks to his golem, named Bugba.
The mushrooms in the forest have many different properties, but only for those who know how to use them. The golem that the Seeker has made is capable of harvesting them without damaging the mushrooms. This is almost impossible for a living person to do, and it took the Seeker years to gather enough undamaged specimens to make the one golem. Now he uses them to make different mystical balms and potions, which have a wide variety of different effects.
The intent is for The Mushroom Seeker to be a minor ally of the PCs. He will not provoke them in any way, but if necessary he can fight. The golem is heavily armored, but wasn't made for combat. It moves surprisingly fast through the forest, and has exceptional camouflage. The Seeker himself keeps many flasks of mushroom potions, ranging from Alchemist's Fire to Sleep spells, and even Invisibility potions. Overall his goal is mostly just to escape, but he can be dangerous if he's allowed to fight on his own terms. Since he isn't even aware that other people exist, the Seeker won't recognize the PCs if they meet him again. He will assume they are new creatures that he's just meeting.
He is willing to give potions to the PCs if they can convince him that they are nice. He is cheerful and loves his woodland friends. He may ask some small forms of payment, but this will largely consist of worthless items. He'll ask for a single strand of moss, or fifteen grains of sand from his favorite mushroom spot. If asked why he wants these things, the Seeker will just laugh maniacally and yell "For science! Beautiful, wonderful science!"

  • "For science! Beautiful, wonderful science!"
  • "Oooohh, new friends! Lovely!"
  • <If attacked> "Why? Why? All I wanted was a friend! Bugba here never even tells me he loves me *sobs*"
  • "Bugba, go get that one! No, not that one, that one! Yes, go!"

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