Name: Vengarion
Race: Angel
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

The angel has the shape of a slender human, though it towers at around twelve feet tall. It has six glistening silver wings protruding from it's back, and it is covered entirely in a light grey armor. In one mailed fist it holds a sword six feet in length, glowing a dull red. It's helm has six slots for eyes, and each one shimmers a very slight silvery color.
Vengarion is an angel that represents vengeance. It is the embodiment of making entities pay for their crimes in blood, while other angels have other means of dispensing justice. It is not evil nor good, and acts according to it's nature within the universe. Vengarion is not well-liked among it's fellow angels, which view it as unnecessarily harsh, though they rarely interfere with it's work. Vengarion is relentless in it's pursuit of it's victims, and always enacts bloody retribution upon them. It mostly only pursues targets that the fates have decreed will not be brought to justice by other means - no mortal will ever make them answer for their crimes, and they don't fall in the jurisdiction of other angels. It is also bound by the same rules of other celestial and demonic entities, such that it can not intervene in the affairs of mortals without exceptional circumstance.
Vengarion is widely regarded to be an angel of death. Stories are told about it's wrath, and the destruction that it reaps among it's victims. While most of those that Vengarion kills are evil, even good people sometimes incur it's wrath, and are targeted for vengeance. It abides by it's own set of ideals, which do not take into account the actual morality of whomever it is sent to kill. It only perceives the action or actions that require vengeance. While most angels are revered as bastions of good, Vengarion is sometimes even considered evil by mortals. They fear it, even though it takes almost incomprehensible circumstances for it to take action.
When someone is targeted by Vengarion, they begin to have nightmares whereupon they receive the "Mark of Vengarion." The Mark resembles the six wings surrounded by five glowing symbols, each of which is a celestial symbol for vengeance. The mark is branded onto their forehead, chest, and back, and is burned into the center of their vision. Vengarion may take hours, days, weeks, or even years in pursuit of it's target. It is seemingly random, yet the sense of foreboding doom looms around the target as soon as they are in Vengarion's attention. To date, no form of magical protection has ever warded off it's search.
Vengarion's minions are the Inevitables. These creatures are also dedicated to meting out justice, though it is rarely as severe as Vengarion's own missions. They pursue justice for different crimes, to the letter of the law. They are directly within Vengarion's domain when not in use, and it sometimes deems it necessary to create an entire new breed of Inevitable, though this is rare.
In combat, Vengarion only closes in for the kill. It mostly ignores anything that it is not specifically there to dispatch, although it will cut them down if they get in the way. It has the capacity for permanent flight, as well as teleportation between planes. It is primarily a melee combatant, and uses it's sword to purge the souls of whomever it kills. It has access to only a few combat-related spell-like abilities. Most notably, it will paralyze it's target before purging it's soul with it's sword. Once it's mission is complete, it has been known to brand anyone who helped the target with a Mark of Justice. The exact requirements of the Mark of Justice vary from case to case. Other times, the angel simply kills them. It is innately lawful, but does not hate forces of chaos outright.
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