Friday, August 2, 2013

Character Plots:

Follow-up post to the Character Summaries post I did yesterday. This is taking their backgrounds and coming up with plot points to make future adventures with. Really the only one of them who gave me something I could work a lot with was Selma, but Garath and Kheldar will obviously have their own sessions to have the spotlight. I like making adventures based off character backgrounds especially in early sessions. It helps to let everyone ease into the fact that in this world, they exist and matter.

Plot Ideas:
  • The Black Hand is out to get him. Earlier I did a post about Krunth Blackhand, the leader of said bandits. They will clearly be waylaying the party at several intervals. This will hopefully culminate in an actual showdown as the party adventures.
  • He was the messenger for another city called Cherek. The lord of Cherek (probably named Cherek, honestly) may call on him later.
  • He has a magic ring. So does Kheldar. This is totally going to come up in some important form. Probably going to give one to Selma as well.

  • His induction into the ninjas was very abrupt. There is a counter-order of ninjas that will try to assassinate him and the party.
  • The mysterious fruit vendor will plague the party for some time. He is, of course, the Fruit Ninja. I couldn't help myself.
  • His love interest vanished. She was captured by the Black Hand as well.

  • Obviously, her father is missing along with an actual angel. That is such a huge opportunity.
  • She also lost her own celestial state and will want to recover it.
  • I'm thinking of involving this with Vengarion in some fashion, but I haven't really thought it completely through.
  • She will probably be given a magical ring at some point to match Garath's and Kheldar's. 
  • Gunsmiths are very rare in Fomor. A big part of her own plot will be creating new guns.

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