Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fomor: Session Two Outline

Oops. I forgot to update again yesterday. I worked on the outline for the next session and then it completely slipped my mind to post it. My bad. This session is going to be more focused on taking the rails off, and letting the party do as they see fit. They have at this point about three different plot hooks, and they all lead to roughly the same adventure. This is what I have planned. Note: This session has actually already taken place. But I wrote all this before it happened. Again, oops.

Theme: Adventure
Planned Encounters:
  • Siege of Bicka
    • Soldiers patrol outside the city
    • The party must get past them or engage
    • Either a combat, a skills challenge…or both!
    • It will still mostly be about stealth, since they can't fight an entire army
    • Eventually Bicka's army comes out
  • Kell Deathsickle and Dul Bilderbottom
    • The two major political power players of Bicka
      • Very different personalities
      • Kell Deathsickle is care-free and bloodthirsty. He is RP'd like an exercise video coach.
      • Dul Bilderbottom is a sour gnome wizard, and has nothing but contempt for other people.
    • The two of them break the siege
    • Diplomatic RP scene: Kell wants the letter. Dul gets it from Garath if he doesn't part willingly.
    • Told "it is of no matter" that the letter is opened, Kell sends them to Dul later
  • New loot, and new party member
    • A Cleric is joining the party
    • The party members gain new magic items from Dul Bilderbottom
      • "You are of no use like this. Maybe these will let you live longer."
      • Selma: Beneficial Bandolier
      • Garath: Severed Hand is enchanted as a permanent Mage Hand
      • Kheldar: Wasp Nest of Swarming
      • Cleric: Pyxes of Redirected Focus
  • Dul sends them on a new quest
    • "I require the heart of an evil fey."
    • Directs them to the Black Forest
  • The Black Forest - Same as this post.
    • Minor tweaking, since the party is only 2nd level
    • The adventure now has a map for the final dungeon. 
    • Most combats and the skills challenge will be purely narrative.
  • Return to Bicka
    • Dul considers them "Useful…for now"
    • Has the parchment out, and looks very intently at Garath and Kheldar. Then looks even harder at Selma.
    • Entire party falls into a dream state.
  • Dream State
    • Theoretically, the session should end here. But I plan slightly far ahead just in case.
    • No grids, no maps, no figures. Pure narrative.
    • Very bizarre.
    • Each of the party has visions.

The rails are off for this session. In which case, why is there such a specific outline? Because, really, I do want to try having an actual adventure planned, assuming the party takes the bait. Even if they don't, however, there will be dozens of ways to adapt whatever the party does to fit roughly this plan. 
The party has told me that they prefer gridless combat, using figures and rulers as though it were wargaming. This is good for me, because it gives me more opportunity to make more interesting maps. 
So this one is less planned out than the last session. The first session was planned roughly three months ago, and this one has only been planned very recently. The nature of this session means I can't really give too much details about what I have planned, since…there's not really a whole lot going into it. It's mostly going to be off the fly, and based on reacting to the players and what they do.

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