Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fomor: Session Three Writeup (Part 2)

I think this will be done by tomorrow. Also, I'm moving on Sunday to go to college, so I make no promises about keeping to my usual update schedule over the next week or two. Hopefully I'll still have time to update this once I get settled, and if I get the chance I'll write a series of buffer posts to hopefully keep this updating daily. But that depends on how quickly I can get other stuff taken care of.

Edit 8/17/2013: Sigh. Apparently I reposted part 1 along with part 2. Too much stress from moving I guess. My apologies.

Each member of the party begins a solo combat with their respective adversary. Salma quickly blasts away at the archangel, taking only one swing of its sword. As soon as it falls, she feels like the ground opened up beneath her and she can see the others all fighting figures that she can't make out. She decides to angle herself to land next to Kheldar.

She killed Vengarion in two rounds. Rifles are really strong, apparently.

Kheldar is fighting Velvet, a girl from his backstory who left his hometown after one too many bandit attacks. She is summarily thrashing him with a flurry of blows, and he can barely fight back. He finally manages to put a crossbow bolt in her, and then Salma blasts her torso away. The hands and feet continue floating in mid-air and fighting until Kheldar hacks them down with his sword. The floor again opens up, and they decide to land near Strider.
Garath is fighting Krunth Blackhand. He continues taking shots from the orc's laser while he tries to land a blow. Garath discovers that the water is electrically charged and he is capable of drawing power from it to make his electric spells slightly stronger. He targets the orc's eye with a Shocking Grasp and - after many failed attempts and lucky defensive casting rolls - drops the orc with a single hit. His floor also opens up and he lands near Strider.
Strider is fighting a large undead that he doesn't recognize. He immediately opens up with an Arrow of Law, but since Panack is Lawful Evil it does 0 damage. His scimitar proves ineffectual, and Strider resorts to casting a Cure Moderate Wounds that burns a handprint right into Panack's armor. The others in the party regroup nearby, and Garath blasts a Scorching Ray at Panack that misses. Salma takes a shot and quickly kills him.
The entire party falls out of the dream, and each of them fly by parts of the world, catching only very slight glimpses of what might interest them:
  • Garath sees the coast along the ocean, as well as the same jungle. He hears a voice say to him "FATE-TOUCHED, STAR-BORN. IGNORANT MORTAL, CHOSEN OF THE DAMNED."
  • Kheldar sees a variety of fruit trees, and he thinks he sees ninjas. He manages to snag a banana.
  • Salma sees mountains filled with rotating gears, and she feels like she spies mountains with angels on them.
  • Strider sees a map of Fomor. In the northwest he sees a dark spot slowly spreading tendrils outward. In the southeast he sees a burning heart slowly beating. The heart is located at the center of his Order.

The party suddenly wakes in Dul Bilderbottom's office, and is aware that virtually no time has passed. They maintain their wounds and spent spells. Kheldar still has a banana. The party immediately begins questioning Dul, and he asks them questions about their dreams. Garath gets the distinct feeling that Dul observed the whole thing completely, and understands far more of it than even they do, but simply wants to see if the party will lie to him. While this is going on, Dul has his golems come and clean his hands. The party learns the following information:
  • The symbol they have been seeing all over the place is the symbol of Fate. They are each touched by the essence of Fate in the universe, and their lives are destined for greatness.
  • Dul does not know what they will do that makes them so important. Only that it is likely in his best interest that they succeed.
  • Their visions gave them a glimpse of what might happen. It is up to them whether they will let any of it come to life.

Basically, this session delivered a ton of plot hooks. Each of them got a lot related to their backstory, and this will blossom into way more stuff that connects them all together. The rest of the writeup will detail how they made their plan of action, and the conflicts within the party. I tried very hard to make this all about taking the rails completely off and letting them now dictate their actions and where they go.

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