Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fomor: Session Three Writeup (Part 1)

And we had our final in-person session just a few hours ago. This was a mostly RP-focused session since some of my players had said that the previous one was too much combat. However, it also devolved into a lot of bickering and sidetracking due to one particular player. Oh well, it happens.

The session begins right after the cliffhanger of the last one. Only we first begin with Garath. Garath finds himself with his left foot in the desert, and his right foot in a jungle. He sees that the world wraps around in a large ring-like structure. There is a storm cloud in the very center of the ring shooting lightning bolts at random places around the ring.
Garath hears two distinct voices beckoning to him from either side, but he is unable to make either of them out completely. He attempts a few tricks to control the dream, but fails. He attempts to cast Sleep on himself, but the dream state fast forwards and no actual effect is noticed. He eventually steps onto the desert and the entire jungle vanishes behind him. He then hears a booming voice:
Garath sees an ocean behind him where the jungle used to be. He wades into the water and sees that it is electrically charged. He is quickly shot at by a laser beam behind him. Garath sees that there is a massive orc behind him with a charred and blackened arm, and a cybernetic eye that is shooting lasers. He recognizes him as Krunth Blackhand.

Kheldar is next. He wakes in a canopy above tree-tops, but all the leaves are blood-red. The sky is a starry mess that swirls chaotically. He tries cutting the leaves and finds that they bleed what appears to be human blood. An arrow is shot out from beneath the tree-line, but Kheldar is able to dodge away. He is shot a couple more times, but takes no damage. He Jumps down beneath the trees and finds that they were all held up by a number of ninjas in brightly-colored outfits.
The one ninja that held up Kheldar's tree remains, and gestures about wildly. He explodes when Kheldar talks to him. All the ninja said was "NERIS." He was then attacked by a woman made out of velvet, wearing the same garb as one of the Royal Guards of Neris. She tinkled like bells when she moved, and yelled "NOT WORTHY" at Kheldar.

Strider wakes on top of a sun. It is a small orb about the size of a ball that a jester would stand on top of while juggling. The first thing he attempts is to commune with Sarenrae. His deity directs him to look at an image of the world of Fomor, which is slowly consumed by shadow and darkness. All Sarenrae said was "DARKNESS CONSUMES FROM WITHIN. LIGHT MUST BURN FROM WITHOUT." He is thrown off the sun, and lands in darkness. He is then confronted with a large undead figure that immediately attacks. Wraithlord Panack yells "DEATH TO ALL THAT LIVE!"

Salma wakes in a field of feathers. The sky is made of gears, but the gears are made of fire. They seem to spin like clockwork, even though their orientation is impossible. She hears a faint sobbing sound off in the distance. Salma discovers that her wings function in the dream, and she flies towards the sobbing. She discovers that it is her father Dean, who cries:
His face has been replaced with a flat slab of skin with a new symbol branded onto it. While Salma attempts to talk to him and get more information, a sword explodes through his chest and Dean melts away. Salma then sees Vengarion, but she does not know who he is. He asks her "WHY DO YOU GUARD? WHY DO YOU PROTECT?" and attacks.

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