Thursday, August 1, 2013

Character Summaries

With the first session starting soon, I'm looking over my players' character concepts. Here is a brief summary of each of their characters. Two of them have very strong influences from other media, but I wasn't aware of that at the time. I only realized it after googling some of the names they came up with. Honestly I don't care that much if they steal ideas and names, as long as it doesn't give them the idea that the world is mine. Things that each player has added to the world like cities or people has been italicized. Tomorrow I'm planning on doing a post about possible follow-up plotlines based on their backgrounds.

Background Summaries:
  • Dragonblood sorcerer. Note: Sorcerers in Fomor are nearly unheard of. There are only one or two others, and it certainly is not common knowledge.
  • Grew up near Cherek - warring city-state.
  • Worked as a smith, then a messenger after he left home
  • Has a magic ring. He does not know what it does.
  • Magical powers only recently manifested
  • Sent on a mission to Bicka, a city right in the center of Fomor
  • Made enemies with the Black Hand, a group of bandits

Kheldar (Yes this player is a fan of the Belgariad):
  • Smuggler
  • Cargo was confiscated, then he bought a store of apples
  • Grew up as a pot-maker
  • Love interest: human named Velvet who left home village after bandits attacked
  • Has a utility belt gifted from Velvet
  • Knows how to fletch arrows
  • Also has a magic ring, but does not know what it does
    • Note: Garath and Kheldar both picked having a magic ring that "gets stronger the more you wear it" completely independently. Needless to say, I will be having fun with that.
  • Apprenticed to merchant named Yarblek in the city of Doroon in the west.
  • Became a very deceptive merchant.
  • Became a ninja, was branded with the symbol of his order (Kodafi trained him in the Drasnian branch of the Dagashi)
  • Random fruit dealer is getting everywhere before Kheldar, and selling more than just apples.

Selma Winchester:
  • Father was a rogue named Dean
  • Was saved by a guardian angel named Castiel
  • Father lived in northern city of Trenzalore
  • Salma was given to Dean as a new guardian angel as a baby
  • Became interested in guns 
  • Had wings, but they were taken from her
  • Dean and Castiel fled and stripped Selma of her previous celestial state
  • Traveled to libraries and new cities to learn more about guns and the world

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